Welcome to our blog. This blog is for a brand new Portsmouth crop. You will find dates, times and any other information that you'll need. Ask questions and get to know the girls that you'll meet. We want you to be "CROPPING WITH FRIENDS"

Friday, 19 October 2007

Christmas Crop

Saturday 10th November 2007

9.30 - 5

£10 for the day

The Garden Room
Cosham Community Centre

This month its Christmas
Lots of things to make to help get ready for the festive season.
As always one kit is provided in the cost of the day
Make The Moment Last will be with us with their fab shop

Tea, coffee, cake and biscuits will be provided. Bring your own lunch

If you are interested please PM or Email me.

a few spaces still available so why not come and join us for a fab day

A £5 Deposit is required to secure your place as i have room for about 20 scrappers

If you want a day out and want to make new friends then come and join us. You will always greeted with a friendly smile and the kettle is always on.